
Welcome to American Model United Nations document editing system.

This tool exists to help representatives and staff collaborate on the production of resolutions, reports and other documents through our simulation time. Once the simulation has ended, many of documents produced will be available via the AMUN website as part of the simulation's final report.

Each document type produced during the simulation has a slightly different experience. The tool provides experiences that have been tailored for each in an attempt to allow everyone involved to focus more on the content of a document than the form the final document takes. Rapporteurs and Delegate Services staff are trained to help at each stage of the way and should be available to answer your questions.

What to expect

Every document has a set of basic information associated with it. This information is provided at the top of every document experience. It contains details like what committee the document is for, the topic the document is in reference to, and the DocumentID.

Important! When you create a new document, be sure to take note of the DocumentID. The DocumentID is the key to accessing documents again later.